Showing posts with label 2000 Sound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2000 Sound. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Top Ten Worst Hit Songs of 2000

 So here we are at the end of another retro chart year and honestly, 2000 was a pretty good year...we got some classic hit songs and likely one hit wonders, the best stuff in 2000 was really good but today we're discussing the bottom of the barrel...the absolute worst that 2000 on the ARIA singles chart had to offer and for the most part most of the songs are from badly produced pop that hadn't aged well, r'n'b and hip hop that was either sleazy or hilariously badly written and even rock and country striking out and believe me, a few choices here will be controversial (there's at least three songs here I can think of that will piss people off)

Let's quickly go over the rules:

1. To make this list, the song has to have made the ARIA year end list for 2000

2. Being boring cannot be a factor, a song must annoy or irritate me in some form to make this list.

3. If a song made the 1999 year end list and peaked higher on the 2000 year end list than it's also eligible.

You got that? Good. Let us begin this list of bad with one question, Jennifer Lopez, what the fuck were you thinking?

10. “Let’s Get Loud” by Jennifer Lopez

As somebody who mostly can tolerate Jennifer Lopez, there’s a part of me that wants to be benevolent and leave this song off the list but I can’t, this song drives me up the wall every time I hear it…that repetitive chorus that borders on the line of being annoying to obnoxious, the gang vocals that seem louder than J Lo is in the mix with their omnipresent yelps of “Hey!” and the lyrics that try to turn music into a metaphor for an empowerment anthem…all I can say J Lo, is if I was wanting to get loud, I’d be turning up songs that are much better than this attempt at empowerment via annoyance.

Jennifer Lopez would go onto further success in the 2000s before her career really kind of sputtered out a bit and has reverted to releasing songs mostly in Spanish…doesn’t stop “Let’s Get Loud” from being annoying as all hell.


So you might remember that in my 1998 best list, I praised “The Boy is Mine” by Brandy and Monica, well just two years later there’s a song that goes in a similar direction and does it so completely wrong, it’s nearly hilarious.


9. “He Wasn’t Man Enough” by Toni Braxton

This song is just embarrassing from Toni Braxton, it paints her as this capricious catty diva who has just found out her man is married to another woman but instead of handling it with class by ending the relationship and just moving on herself, Braxton tries to interfere in his relationship with his wife by telling her she can have him because he wasn’t ‘man enugh’ for her but is just the man for this other woman like she knows what this other woman wants from a man and Braxton declaring that she has already ‘had’ this man is enough for me to turn this garbage off, it’s toxic in an unpleasant way and the production doesn’t even acknowledge the toxicity…it’s too bright and doesn’t sell the drama so yeah…pass…at least “Unbreak My Heart” is good.

Speaking of relationship songs…this next one goes the other way to a point of being so gooey, it’s positively rainbows and lollipops to an almost sickening degree.


8. “Amazed” by Lonestar

This song is the only ‘country’ (if you can call it that) song to make the year end list for 2000 and in a way I get the feeling this song was one of the reasons behind why we rarely ever see country music hit the top 50 of the ARIA charts anymore because wow, this song when not being cliched, is corny, sugary and gooey to the point of making me want to vomit.

Lyrically the song reminds me of how absurd “I don’t Wanna miss a thing” by Aerosmith was in singing about love from a year earlier except toeing a line between corny and ridiculous in the lyrical department while being completely bland in the instrumentation, for a start, “Every little thing that you do, Baby I’m amazed by you”…Dude, I am pretty sure not every little thing she does is amazing, unless she farts rainbows and releases unicorns into the toilet when she poops which is extremely unlikely however it’s an example of how cloying and over reaching the lyrics are.

Another example is he wants to spend the whole night in her eyes…I’m sure burning an imprint of you into this poor girl’s retinas is fucking impossible. This song is ewww in every which way..


Remember when I said the Spice Girls should have went their separate ways after “Viva Forever”? Well here is the proof of that…


7. “Holler” by Spice Girls

The Spice Girls decided to drop the pop that made them global superstars and go for a popular R’n’B aesthetic and “Holler” is an example of why it did not work, the Spice Girls were known for being boisterous and very in your face with cheeky colourful pop music that established the very different personalities of the women involved, “Holler’ not only is bland from an R’n’B perspective but strips away the personalities of the four remaining members of the band as they sing about wanting this guy to come into their world and play by their rules so they can make him scream and it honestly combined with the production, I don’t think the guy would at all be enticed.

Especially when we get to the middle act of the song where it’s the girls and this male voice spewing the word “Holler” and other nonsense, its actually really creepy to a degree and again defeats the purpose of this song’s attempt to be sexy and lure this guy into their world so he can “holler” for them.

It’s also worth pointing out that only Mel C and Mel B sound even vaguely close to good over that beat. Emma and Victoria just don’t fit…yeah…I’ll stick to “Stop” and “Say You’ll be There” for my Spice Girls fix

Well now we get into where electronic music got completely annoying….


6. “Freestyler” by Bomfunk MCs

This song was irritating the first time I heard it in 2000, now it’s irritating with a capital I, that sound of what might be a rooster having it’s balls wrenched off with no anaesthetic in the back of the mix and the fact the song instrumentation wise sounds like it just wants to be a knock off Fat Boy Slim who did this sort of sound better in the 90s with “Praise You” and “Weapon of Choice”… however “Freestyler” manages to incorporate the annoying elements through the song including gang vocals that sound like a person about to start dry retching into a toilet however it’s the vocals solidly kill this track, the lead vocals have no flow and are so smug they grate on every single nerve and that’s before you realize the song itself makes about as much sense as Donald Trump being US President.

By the way, the rooster having his balls wrenched off returns at the end of the song just to make my headache from this wall of noise even worse. Next.

Now we’re hitting proof that 2000 couldn’t escape the trends of the 90s…1996 had a myriad of covers, several of which made my year end worst list for that year, unfortunately we weren’t completely free of covers in 2000 and the only question that I need to ask Madonna is WHY?

5. “American Pie” by Madonna

I can argue that 2000 was a bad year for Madonna, sure she got two hits on the year end list…this being one, the other we’ll get to but this cover of Don McLean’s “American Pie” is here because she turned a song that is about the loss of innocence in music with the line “the day the music died” being about the 1959 plane crash that killed big popular music names of the time Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens into this colourless albeit shortened slice of pop music that reduces Madonna to singing in a flat monotone for most of the song, she doesn’t sound good and takes away a lot of the texture and resonance of the original version by McLean.

Mercifully, we’ve all moved on from and forgotten about this awful cover, certainly don’t hear it played on the radio, but we’ve got more Madonna to deal with a bit later on this list, folks…stick around…


Remember when R’n’B songs about sex were sexy and had a recognisable groove…something this next act forgot…


4. “Thong Song” by Sisqo

This is a little lower on the list than I had thought it would be originally and that’s mostly because I find what’s in front of it intolerable but yeah “Thong Song” is a sleazy arse song that was approximately fourteen years ahead of its time with its unimaginative chorus and Sisqo sounding about as smooth as a car driving over humps in a shopping mall carpark which makes sense for a song about a woman’s arse…NOT!.

That said it’s not like he actually gets any sort of melody or rhythm to work with ditching the intro’s violin for the overuse of heavy percussion as Sisqo nasally goes on about a scandalous dress this woman is wearing and then uses the chorus to beg her to let him see her thong, it’s sleazy, leering and pretty god damn unpleasant to listen to so yeah…let’s quickly move on from this turd like the world moved on from this guy having a career…NEXT..


Rock on the ARIA singles chart was in a bit of a mess, depending on your definition of rock, we had Bon Jovi, Matchbox Twenty, U2 and these guys…


3. “Take a Look Around” by Limp Bizkit.

Oh dear god…Limp Bizkit were one of the worst bands of 2000 and this song is the perfect example of why. “Take a Look around” pairs a sample that basically sounds like the Mission Impossible theme and pair it with the bratty whiny rapping of Fred Durst who sounds buried in the mix on the verses, at least the guitars somewhat shred of a tolerable chorus when Durst isn’t trying to scream and really Durst is the one who just makes this song and Limp Bizkit’s presence on Australia’s music charts in the early part of the new millennium intolerable and I blame them, Creed and Nickelback for why rock has next to no presence on the charts in 2020.


2000 saw many female pop starlets hit the charts, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Billie Piper amongst others and for the most part their songs were good to objectively fine then Jessica Simpson showed up.

2. “I Think I’m in Love with You” by Jessica Simpson

Of the early 2000s female pop set, Jessica Simpson was one of the weakest, her first hit “I’m Gonna Love You Forever” is not good and only just barely missed the top ten proper but “I Think I’m I Love With You” just pisses me off wholesale. For one thing, why use a classic riff from John ‘Cougar’ Mellencamp’s 1980s classic “Jack & Diane” (a song I actually love) if all Jessica Simpson was just to coo and shout all over it? She hasn’t got the grit in her vocals to handle the sample, she hasn’t got the rock edge that say a Avril Lavigne would later have. For another, the lyrics are asinine, just because this guy looked her in the eyes does not mean he is reciprocating what she is feeling, making eye contact is part of how humans communicate nonverbally, Jessica!

This song is just lame and really given how Jessica Simpson would go on to have a brief period of prominence by playing the part of a stupid ditz on a terrible “reality TV” show, she’s mostly been forgotten but she left this turd with skidmarks as a memory of her time on the charts.

Before we discuss the worst hit song of 2000, lets race through some dishonourable mentions, shall we?

DHM 1: “B-Boys & Flygirls” by Bomfunk MCs

The follow up to “Freestyler” isn’t as bad but those vocals are absolute garbage, going for the cheesy sports announcer vocal style does not work for me at all.


DHM 2: “I Wanna Love You Forever” by Jessica Simpson

This is mediocre as hell and with overwrought lyrics like “ten thousand lifetimes together”. Jessica, we only have ONE lifetime, you are overplaying your hand with that lyric. Only got left off the list because “I Think I’m in Love with You” is considerably worse.


DHM 3: “Who Let the Dogs Out” by the Baha Men

Novelty song that has not aged as well as you’d like to remember it. Missed the list only because they really have not done too much lasting cultural damage other than occasionally being good for a joke or two.


DHM 4: “Jumpin’ Jumpin’” by Destiny’s Child

This is all a bit sleazy and questionable isn’t it? Girls and guys, leave your significant other to go to the club that’s jumpin’ jumpin’ for a night of presumably wild sex with another person and that production is just…no…


DHM 5: “Who the Hell Are You?” by Madison Avenue

Yeah…Madison Avenue’s 15 minutes of fame had hit their 13th minute when this song hit number one. The production is a mess and Cheyne Coates can’t pull off sounding angry, she just sounds sleazy or like she’s had a long night at the club…


So what’s the number one worst hit song of 2000? For as much as “I Think I’m in Love with You” and “Take A Look Around” make me angry, it just wasn’t going to be anything else other than this affront to “Music”

1.       “Music” by Madonna.

This song is unlistenable and one of the worst hit songs of Madonna’s career, its not quite as bad as the dirge called “Bitch, I’m Madonna” she released in 2015 with Nicki Minaj but man it’s close. A song weirdly called “Music” that just sounds nothing close to being music and more like a group of people who came together to produce the world’s worst hearing test disguised as a song with it’s beeps and that clunky as hell vocoder noise.

Then we’ve got Madonna begging the DJ to put another record on because she wants to dance with her lover…let’s hope the DJ didn’t put this on because it’s not even vaguely close having a groove to dance to and Madonna’s assertion that music brings people together…well good music brings people together…not this absolute atrocity that was allowed to squat at number one for four weeks.

The worst part is that it all feels like Madonna made this in an attempt to compete with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera who were making better pop music than this…I’ll stick to “Just Like a Peayer” and “Into the Groove”, thanks Madge and bestow the honour of the worst hit song of 2000 on “Music” Instead.

2000 Sound: 31st December. Collapse of "Who Let the Dogs Out" as 12th Man's Bruce tribute rises to the occasion

 The final episode of 2000 Sound and on reflection, I am kind of sad...mostly because there's a lot about 2000 that was so much fun...sure the music was mixed but hey it was still decent if that and we've got a pretty busy week especially in the top ten where Wheatus maintained their grip on number one with "Teenage Dirtbag"

It thankfully held on ahead of "Cruisin'"by Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis which went up one place to number two and is somehow looking a threat to take number one in the new year as a sudden 22 place collapse by "Who Let the Dogs Out" by the Baha Men.

Also rising one place to number three is "Independent Women Part 1" by Destiny's Child while Vitamin C's "Friends Forever (Graduation)" also regained one place to number four.

The biggest move of the week came for the comedy single by The 12th Man called "Bruce 2000 - A "Special" Tribute" which climbed from 32 to number 5. Didn't realize there was still a hunger for comedy songs out there!

Human Nature remain steady at number six with "He Don't Love You" while The Offspring continue to make inroads into the top ten up three places to number seven with "Original Prankster" and "The Itch" by Vitamin C remained at number eight.

Also remaining steady is '7 Days" by Craig David at number nine while "Groovejet (If this ain't Love)" by Spiller returned to the top ten up one place to number ten.


I already mentioned the massive gain for The 12th Man's tribute to Bruce McAvaney gaining big to hit the top ten at number five but what gained big? Well, Powderfinger's 'My Happiness" jumped eleven places to number 26 while "Not That Kind" by Anastacia also got a nine place boost to 27.

"I Want Candy" by Aaron Candy insists on being a thing as it rose ten spots to 31. 

Breaking into the top twenty is "Kids" by Kylie Minogue and Robbie Williams rising from 22 to 17 and Vanessa Amorosi's "The Power/Everytime I Close My Eyes" cllimbed five places to 13 as it look like its going to be big in 2001.

Re Entries

Back on the chart this week for some reason is "Girls On Top" by Girl Thing at 44 while Eminem also returns with "The Way I Am" at 48.


The big story was within the top ten with Baha Men slumping from number two down to 24! Probably a sign that the song was at best a novelty song while speaking of the top ten, Madonna was also cast adrift with "Don't Tell Me" falling five places to number 12.

"Please Stay" by Kylie Minogue fell to 37 off the debut last week while her former number one hit "On a Night Like This" stumbled nine places to 49. 

"The Way You Make Feel" by Ronan Keating slipped from 27 to 39. 

Former number one "Most Girls" by :Pink plunged eleven places to 40 (more on Pink in a moment), "Irresistible" by The Corrs continued to lose traction down from 35 to 42 

New Entries

Just the one new entry courtesy of Pink at number 41 with her latest single "You Make Me Sick".

That wraps up 2000 Sound. Stay tuned for Worst and Best lists for 2000 this week. On 11th January, we begin "Good 1992 Vibrations" going through the year of charting pop music. The latest ARIA chart update went up yesterday if you want to check that out. 

Thursday 24 December 2020

2000 Sound: 24th December. Wheatus back on top of the chart Christmas Tree.

 This week was a surprisingly busy one as the chart winds down for Christmas/New Year holiday, plenty of movement in the top ten and a slew of new entries so let's get right into it where we have a song that I predicted would return to number one and that is what happened with "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus riding a sales boost to return to the top of the charts for another week.

It meant that "Who Let The Dogs Out" by the Baha Men got pushed back to number two as it's sales are finally starting to fade which means it's coming under pressure from..."Cruisin'" by Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis which rose three places to number three...geez...the song is lame as hell...there's nothing all that good about it, Australia!.

"Independent Women Part 1" by Destiny's Child continues to be a thing as it rose one place to number four.

All of that was enough to push past the first of two Vitamin C songs in the top ten this week with "Friends Forever (Graduation)" falling two places to number five and "He Don't Love You" by Humaan Nature likewise to number six (I am still on the fence about "He Don't Love You"...its cattier than I would like from a group like Human Nature).

Rising two places to number seven is "Don't Tell Me" by Madonna because we need that horror hanging around like a bad smell...

The biggest gain of the week belongs to the second of the Vitamin C songs in the top ten with "The Itch" rising all the way from 27 to number I said before, this song is better than "Friends Forever (Graduation)" so I am happy to see this here,

"7 Days" by Craig David surged from 15 to break into the top ten at number nine. This song is fine enough. Finally, The Offspring have another top ten hitwith"Original Prankster" rising four places to the top ten at number ten...that song's video is HILARIOUS,


I already talked about "The Itch" by Vitamin C jumping from 27 to into the top ten at number eight so let's see what else had big gains....Ronan Keating's "The Way You Make Me Feel" jumped from 43 to 27 this song is so bland, I am surprised people remember it exists.

"Dance With Me" by Debelah Morgan is a case of continued momentum as it rose ten places to 19. I just don't get the appeal of that song. Sorry. 

Limp Bizkit continues to be a pain in the neck as "My Generation" climbed from 42 to 31. Seriously? There's better rock music out there than Limp fucking Bizkit.

Re Entries

Two returns this week and neither make sense to me with "My Love" by Westlife back at number 45 and "We'll Be One" by Nikki Webster and Sing 2001 Choir back at number 50.


Couple of big losers this week, we'll start with Green Day's "Minority" which plunged nine places to 42 while "Black Coffee" by All Saints slide from 36 to 43 while Powderfinger lose some happiness with "My Happiness" slipped from 32 to 37.

Anastacia's "Not That Kind" collapsed eleven places to 36 while "Irresistible" by The Corrs didn't live up to its title by slipping from 28 to 35 and "I Turn to You" by Melanie C got turned away by the public as it fell from 26 to 33.

Pink's "Most Girls" continues to go on its way out gracefully as it slipped six places to 29 while "Shape of My Heart' by the Backstreet Boys and "Gotta Tell You" by Samantha Mumba both fell nine places to 25 and 24 respectively. 

Madsun were the biggest victims of the frantic shuffling of the top ten as "Don't You Worry" took a nine place hit to 17.

New Entries

The new entries are all Australian this week with the highest debut going to Kylie Minogue's "Please Stay" in at number 15, it's the latest single from Kylie's "Light Years" album. 

Vanessa Amorosi is back with "The Power/Every Time I Close My Eyes" at number 18. I like "The Power" a lot.

Finally Billy Birmingham aka The 12th Man is impersonating Channel Seven's Bruce McAvaney for "Bruce 2000 - A "Special" Tribute" at number 32.


Thursday 17 December 2020

2000 Sound. 17th December: Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis Cruisin' into the top ten

 I'd describe this week as deceptive especially if you just looked at the static top five where nothing changed at all but we got chaos lower down the charts with songs hoping to be hits in 2001 starting to arrive on the charts as others try desperately to land a place on the ARIA year end list for 2000..yeah we got a whole bunch of new entries along with two new arrivals from lower down the chart in the top ten.

So to the aforementioned top ten where as I said the top 5 didn't change with Baha Men spending another week at number one with "Who Let The Dogs Out" however right behind it is "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus which may still have a chance at snatching the Christmas number one as it remained stuck at number two this week, "Friends Forever (Graduation)" by Vitamin C continues to keep grip on number three while Human Nature cling to number four with "He Don't Love You" as the Charlie's Angel's hype keeps "Independent Women Part 1' by Destiny's Child stays at number five.

The big new entry to the top ten is "Crusin'" by Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis which rose eight places to number six this week...I am not overly impressed by this...the song isn't good.

Remaining steady at number seven is "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" by Spiller while the big move by "Cruisin'" caused "Don't You Worry" by Madasun to slide down two places to number eight.

Returning to the top ten is Madonna's "Don't Tell Me" which rose eight places to number nine despite being junk...Madonna really chose this year to be absolutely awful.

Finally in slight better news "Lady (Hear Me Tonight)" by Modjo up one place to number ten.


Christina Aguilera may just have another hit on her hands with "Come On Over (All I Want is You)" jumping from 30 to 19. 

"Kids" by Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue rose six places to 20, Debelah Morgan's "Dance With You" continues to climb, this week up ten places to 29....I don't really care for the song but don't hate it either.


The only major loser this week is "Black Coffee" by All Saints which finally had it's resistance broken as it fell sixteen places to 36.

New Entries

The biggest new entry is the follow up single from Vitamin C called "The Itch" in at 27. I actually like this song more than "Friends Forever (Graduation)", there's a pop groove that just works for me.

American rapper Nelly lodges at number 38 with "(Hot S***) Country Grammar". UK singer Sonique climbs in at number 44 with "Sky" while Aussie metal act Superheist are in at 45 with "Crank the System".

Now the big one for me here is American rock band 3 Doors Down debut "Kryptonite' at number 47 which I am pretty happy about...would love to see it become a sustainable hit in 2001.

Finally Invertigo return to the chart with "Chances Are..." at number 50.

So that wraps up this week, two more weeks before the end of the 2000 chart year, On the 29th December, my top ten worst hit songs list. My top ten best hit songs list is released on New Years Eve (yeah the last episode of 2000 Sound will be a little early that week).

Next year this blog will wind all the way back to 1992 and the year of saccharine love ballads and Billy Ray Cyrus...sounds like fun!

Thursday 10 December 2020

2000 Sound: December 10. 7 Days as Independent Women

So let's dive straight into this week without any of the usual mucking around as it looks like being a fairly straight forward week here...the top ten hasn't changed right at the very top in spite of how much I badly want it to change, "Who Let the Dogs Out?" by the Baha Men remains at number one for a third week

The song best placed to retake the top spot is "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus which has sales on its side...may well just be a matter of time before it returns to number one but it blew past "Graduation (Friends Forever)" by Vitamin C which slipped back to number three. 

Human Nature remain at number four with "He Don't Love You", the hype in the UK around this song is crazy thanks to Neighbours being shown over there however there's pressure being brought to bear by a new arrival to the top ten that being "Independent Women Part I" by Destiny's Child which climbed seven places to number five thanks to Charlie's Angels movie hype.

Madasun's "Don't You Worry" remained stable at number six which is good because I still like the song while "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love" by Spiller slides gracefully down two places to number seven, it pushed the Spice Girls down one places to number eight with "Holler"

Refusing to go away is "Let's Get Loud" by Jennifer Lopez which remains steady at number nine while rising nine places to number ten is "7 Days" by Craig David, it's his second consecutive top ten hit.


So apart from "7 Days" by Craig David reaching the top ten, what else gained big? Well, there's Matchbox Twenty's ballad "If You're Gone" which roared up from 39 to land at 22.

"My Love" by Westlife climbed from 43 to 37 and "Dance With Me" by Debelah Morgan rose eight places to 39. 

"Girls On Top" by Girl Thing jumped seven places to 43,


The one return is from Blink 182 with "Man Overboard" back at number 50. 


The Sydney Olympics hype has well and truly faded so that meant "We'll Be One" by Nikki Webster and Sing 2001 Choir went down from 41 to 49. Mandy Moore's "I Wanna Be With You" skidded down from 25 to 32.

"Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary tumbled from 18 to 25 while the terrible "Don't Tell Me" by Madonna fell out of the top ten to 17.

New Entries.

Just two new entries with the highest debut coming from Ronan Keating's ballad "The Way You Make Me Feel" in at 45 while shock rocker Marilyn Manson is right behind him at 46 with "Disposable Teens"

Thursday 3 December 2020

2000 Sound: 3rd December. Don't Tell Me Baha Men Let the Dogs Out AGAIN at number one

 Ughh...I'm not going to mince words...this week kind of sucked...the new entries are not good at all and even worse..."Who Let The Dogs Out" by the Baha Men remains at number one because people think it's a good joke apparently but it held off "Graduation (Friends Forever)" by Vitamin C rising one spot to number two.

Wheatus slipped back to number three this week with 'Teenage Dirtbag" as it's sales softened this week but it remained ahead of "He Don't Love you" by Human Nature which climbed one place to number four on continued strong sales. Spiller's 'Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" fell back one place to number five in the face of the stronger competition above it.

"Don't You Worry" by Madasun remains at number six and "Holler" by the Spice Girls sticks at number seven.

The highest new entry of the week belongs to Madonna with the second single from "Music" called "Don't Tell Me" which is in at number eight. This song is only slightly better than "Music"...

Jennifer Lopez keeps steady at number nine with "Let's Get Loud" while "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin bangs down two places to number ten.


"Independent Women Part 1" by Destiny's Child rose six places to number 12 mostly thanks to the hype from the Charlies Angels movie. 

Most pleasingly "Black Coffee" by All Saints rebounded from 32 to 20 this week which is great news! The Offspring gained nine places with "Original Prankster" to 21. 


The one return comes from You Am I with "Damage" back at 48


Craig David's "Fill Me In" dropped ten places to 44 while unfortunately "When You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty collapsed from 22 to 39. 

"Beautiful Day" by U2 was rained on down eight places to 27.

New Entries

So apart from Madonna's "Don't Tell Me" at number eight, we have Britney Spears latest single called "Stronger" at number's serviceable at best.

Darude's "Feel The Beat" is dancing in at number 31 while Bon Jovi's appreciation for getting a hit this year called "Thank You For Loving Me" arrives at number 34.

American singer/songwriter Debelah Morgan has notched her first ARIA charting single with "Dance With Me" in at 48.

UK girl group Giel Thing are in at umber 50 with the follow up to "Last One Standing" called "Girls on Top"...

Thursday 26 November 2020

2000 Sound: 26th November. Dogs barking at the top as Destinys Child declare women are independent

 This week...oh boy...let's just dive straight into it with the top ten where we have a brand new number one with "Who Let the Dogs Out" by the Baha got there because somehow this got sales traction enough to take the number one...sigh...this is another of those.."WHY? Just why, Australia?.

it pushed "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus back to number two but its still play to take number one, it had a good week on sales, it just got outdone by the sales surge for "Who Let The Dogs Out".

"Friends Forever (Graduation) by Vitamin C climbed one place to number three as schools across Australia opt to use this for their graduating year twelve students. I'm kind of sick of this song.

Spiller's "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" tumbled two places to number four as the sales fell away, it's under threat from Human Nature's "He Don't Love You" which somehow rose seven places to number five...I know it had a lot of hype from appearing on Neighbours but really?

Madasun's "Don't You Worry" jumped two places to number six. Nice to see this song sticking around...I still like it a lot. 

All of this meant the rest of our top ten took steps backward or remained steady, starting with "Holler" by Spice Girls which slipped two places to number seven, "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin which stumbled two places to number eight, remaining at number nine is "Let's Get Loud" by Jennifer Lopez and finally "Gotta Tell You" by Samantha Mumba plunged three places to number ten.


"Lady (Hear Me Tonight)" by Modjo climbed eleven places to 14 because as I keep saying this song is going to be a top ten hit,there's an appeal to it that just works for it.

Matchbox Twenty jumped from 34 to 22 with "If You're Gone" (a song I actually really like so am glad to see this become a hit),

Also happy that "Gravity" by The Superjesus climbed nine places to number 35. Good to see!


Paul Kelly's "Roll On Summer" EP is back at number 40 while Anuj will be glad that the Australian public still remember him with "Remember Me" back at number 46


Alright, we had a lot of losers this week so let's start with "Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche)" by 98 Degrees slipped from 42 to 50.

Madison Avenue plunged from 37 to 44 with "Everything You Need" while "We'll be One" by Nikki Webster and Sing 2001 Choir slipped ten places to 43. 

Billie Piper's "Something Deep Inside" fell from 35 to 41 this week...this song just doesn't quite have the same energy as "Day & Night" so not surprising.

Not a great week for the Aussies continued with Savage Garden down seven places to 37 with "Chained to You" while "On A Night Like This" 

" I Want Candy" by Aaron Carter slipped nine places to 36 because who the hell wants this?

"Fill Me In" by Craig David got the shimmies down from 26 to 33 while unfortunately "Black Coffee" by All Saints slipped from 23 to 32...damn.

"B-Boys & Flygirls" by Bomfunk MCs fell from 17 to 24.

New Entries

The highest debuting new entry of the week belongs to Craig David with "7 Days" in at number 16. Not better than "Fill Me In" but ehh...its fine.

Destiny's Child's 'Charlie's Angels' song "Independent Women Part 1" debuts at number 18. 

Finally because we apparently we needed it...Limp Bizkit are back with a new song called "My Generation at number 49....ewww.

Thursday 19 November 2020

2000 Sound: 19th November. Who Let the Baha Men Out? Why Are Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis Cruisin?

 Well ain't this an interesting development? We have yet another brand new number one this week and a brand new entry in the top five so let's get stuck into it with the top ten where the new number one is the first for this American rock band....that's's Wheatus with "Teenage Dirtbag" and it got there through extremely strong sales. 

Ir handily outsold "Groovejet (If this Ain't Love)" by Spiller which slipped back to number two, whether or not it can return to number one is an open question. 

A new entry in at number comes from a group hailing from the Bahamas called the Baha Men, the song is called "Who Let the Dogs Out"...the song is every bit as annoying as the title sounds.

The biggest mover of the week within the top ten comes from Vitamin C with "Friends Forever (Graduation)" rising six places to number four, this is a player for number one if any of the songs above it start showing weakness.

"Holler" by Spice Girls regains one place to number five because people don't realize that this song is not actually a very Spice Girls song. 

All of this meant the rest of the top ten either got pushed back or remained steady with "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin down two places to number six,  "Gotta Tell You" by Samantha Mumba down four to number seven and "Don't You Worry" by Madasun down one to number eight. Jennifer Lopez remained steady at number nine while Pink's 'Most Girls" finally looks to be on the way out down two spots to number ten.


"Original Prankster" by The Offspring went up six places to 29 while "Chain of Fools" by Jimmy Barnes went up five spots to 15.


Wow, we had a lot of big losers this week so we'll go in chart order so down nine places to 14 is "Shape of My Heart" by the Backstreet Boys.

 "Kids" by Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue tripped over lego to slide eight places to 22.

Craig David's got more gaps as "Fill Me In" blanked out eleven places to 26. Nikki Webster & Sing 2001 Choir's song for Sydney Olympics "We'll Be One" fell from 26 to 33 this week.

"If You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty fell from 27 to 34 this week...bit of a shame as I really like that song. The same goes for "Absolutely (Story of  a Girl)" by Nine Days which slipped eleven places to 49.

The rest of the falls are songs that have been hits fading away naturally like U2's "Beautiful Day" got clouded over six places to 18, "Everything You Need" by Madison Avenue fell eight places to 37, m Madonna's "Music' plunged from 24 to 38 as people finally realize the song is fucking awful.

Finally Ronan Keating's "Life is a Rollercoaster" fell eleven places to 45.

New Entries

So outside of "Who Let The Dogs Out" by the Baha Men debuting at number three, what else debuted? Well at number 12 is the new single from Human Nature called "He Don't Love You", a pretty brash, kind of catty number from Human Nature which is unusual for them.

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow has teamed up with 80s star Huey Lewis for a cover of the Smokey Robinson song "Cruisin'" which is in a 28...the cover is not good AT ALL.

Westlife's new single "My Love" sails in at number 36 while The Corrs are looking to follow up the success of "Breathless" with "Irresistible as it debuts at number 39

Thursday 12 November 2020

2000 Sound: 12th November. Don't You Worry, the top ten cleanout is just doing it for the KIds

 We got a moderate to standard week here, yeah we had some changes but nothing that is too wild or anything like fact, it's pretty normal especially if you look at the number one for yet another which which is Spiller's "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" as it still rules on sales and radio are absolutely LOVING this song, its everywhere right now.

It's closest threat and contender for number one is "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus up one place to number two on back of solid sales but is also rising to be a player for top spot is "Gotta Tell You" by Samantha Mumba which rose two places to number three, it's actually looking like being a serious threat to Spiller. 

What surprised me is the out of nowhere two place rise to number four for "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin, this still somehow has legs...why?

The highest debut of the week comes from the Backstreet Boys with "Shape Of My Heart" at number five. The song is fine but the Backstreet Boys have done better this year.

All that meant the sudden four place drop to number six for "Holler" by the Spice Girls...honestly I'd be fine if this disappeared off the charts altogether especially as it strips the girls of their personalities making it flat and lifeless as a Spice Girls song.

So it seems it was a week of change in the top ten because the first of three songs to rise into the top ten is Madasun's "Don't You Worry" which climbed seven places to number seven. 

Pink's "Most Girls" stalls at number eight while unfortunately, "Let's Get Loud" by Jennifer Lopez got a six place jump to arrive in the top ten at number nine.

Finally, Vitamin C's "Friends Forever (Graduation" rose seven places to number ten to give Vitamin C her first top ten hit.


So two major gains this week are cases of continued momentum with "Lady (Hear Me Tonight)" by Modjo up from 31 to 23 and "If You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty rising eleven places to 27.

There were five place gains for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" by Mircheeba to 44 and "Come On Over Baby (All I Want is You) by Christina Aguilera to 11.


It was a bloodbath for songs that were in the top ten last week with U2's "Beautiful Day" down eight places to 12, "Fill Me In" by Craig David dropping down from number seven to 15, "B Boys & Flygirls" by Bomfunk MCs down from number nine to 16 while "On A Night like this" by Kylie Minogue dropped nine places to 19.

"These Days" by Bardot dropped six places to 39, "Everything You Need" by Madison Avenue got hit down six to 29 and the charts are proving to be a rollercoaster for Ronan Keating with "Life is a Rollercoaster" down from 26 to 34...ouch.

New Entries

So I have already talked about the new entry for the Backstreet Boys in the top ten with "Shape of My Heart" at number five but beyond that we have a collab between Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue called "Kids" at number 14...a song I actually kind of like.

The new entries have got a distinctly Australian flavour with You Am I at number 37 with "Damage" and Anuj with 'Remember Me" at number 50. The ,latter being kind of annoying

Thursday 5 November 2020

2000 Sound. 5th November. Spice Girls given something to Holler about by Spiller's flying Groovejet

 So this week we finally got some stability at the very top of the ARIA singles chart and I am kind of glad of that because I was starting to get frustrated at the revolving door cycle of number ones we were having but anyhow let's get to the top ten where for a second week, it's "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" by Spiller at the top again riding some pretty solid sales. it kept hold of the top spot despite a surge from a new entry from the Spice Girls (now minus Geri) called "Holler" which debuted at number two which I guess got hype off the back of the curiosity of how the group would sound without Geri Halliwell.

However it looks like Wheatus are going to be the big challenger for number one as it rose two places to number three on the back of some pretty good sales, this song could well be the next number one, hell it flew past "Beautiful Day" by U2 which remained steady at number four and right behind them is this week's big top ten gainer "Gotta Tell You" by Samantha Mumba which flew into up six places to number five! Wowsers!

"She Bangs" by Ricky Martin has less bang this week as it clattered down three places to number six while Craig David  asking to be filled in at number seven for another week with "Fill Me In"

Pink's "Most Girls" got hit with a six place drop as it slipped down to number eight while unfortunately up a place is "B-Boys & Flygirls" to number nine.

Finally rounding out the top ten is "On A Night Like This" by Kylie Minogue.


Continuing it's rise is "Friends Forever (Graduation)" by Vitamin C which hit the top 20 up from 22 to 17 this week, this song will hit the top ten eventually.

"Lady (Hear Me Tonight)" by Modjo rose five places to 31. One of the biggest rises of the week belongs to American rock band Matchbox Twenty as they climbed ten places to 38 which is fine because I like the song while Bardot's "These Days" recovered nine places to 33.


Let's deal with a lot of losers this week so we'll start with the hits that are fading naturally like Britney Spears "Lucky" down eleven places to 48 and "Try Again" by Aaliyah which dropped from 31 to 44 this week (ouch).

Dropping out of the top ten is "Come On Over Baby (All I Want is You)" by Christina Aguilera which dropped from 9 to 16 this week.

Then there are songs that have just lost all momentum like "Rome Wasn't Built in a day" by Morcheeba which plunged eleven places to 49, "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)" by Nine Days dropping nine places to 41, "Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche" by 98 Degrees slipped eight places to number 37 while Girl Thing's "Last One Standing" got sat down at 35 down from 28.

New Entries

So what else turned up this week apart from the Spice Girls having the biggest new entry of the week with "Holler" at number two?

Well, Jimmy Barnes is at 18 with his cover of Aretha Franklin's "Chain of Fools". The Offspring have let "Original Prankster" off the chain at number 39 while Blink 182 are shouting "Man Overboard" lodging at 40.

Finally, Paul Kelly's "Roll on Summer (EP)" debuts at number 50

Thursday 29 October 2020

2000 Sound: 29th October: If This Ain't Love for Spiller Groovejetting to number 1

Another busy old week on the ARIA singles chart where for yet another week we have a new number one courtesy of Spiller's "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" which climbed two places hit the top spot...and really when you think about it it was about time, it's an open question of whether it will stay at number one but it locked "Most Girls" by Pink out of top spot as it remained at number two for another week.

Ricky Martin has this week's highest debut at number three with "She Bangs" thanks to massive sales that couldn't quite match the top two. 

All this meant last week's number one "Beautiful Day" by U2 got pushed back to number four as sales fell off following it's debut at number one last week but it's going come under threat from "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus which had the biggest gain of anything inside the top ten as it rose five places to number five.

Hell, it blew right place "On A Night Like This" by Kylie Minogue which suffered a two place stumble to number six while Craig David's "Fill Me In" recovered one place to number seven. 

Mostly because "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary slipped three places to number eight, it's on its way out. 

Rising two places to number nine is "Come On Over Baby (All I Want is You)" by Christina Aguilera, this song could climb higher in the weeks ahead, it's got traction, it pushed back "B-Boys & Flygirls" by Bomfunk MCs which slipped one place to number ten which is good news but I just hope it leaves the chart altogether sooner rather than later.


In good news "Black Coffee" by All Saints rebounded from 45 up to 25. That song is still a really damn good one. 

Vitamin C's "Friends Forever (Graduation)" continues to pick up steam as it rose from 29 to 22. 

Green Day's "Minority" climbed six places to 30 while "Lady (Hear Me Tonight" by Modjo jumped from 41 to 36 because it's a hit in the making.


Most of the big losses came for songs that have been hits this year and are on their way out anyway like Madonna's "Music" which fell nine places to 16, "Rock DJ" by Robbie Williams tumbled seven spots to 13, "Try Again" by Aaliyah tumbled from 26 to 31, "We Will Rock You" by Five and Queen got rocked down nine spots to 33, "Lucky" by Britney Spears had its luck run out as it collapsed from 25 to 37, "Breathless" by The Corrs lived up to it's name by sliding ten to 40 and finally "I'm Outta Love" by Anastacia collapsed from 31 to 47.

There are two songs that just haven't quite got going with "These Days" by Bardot having its days on the chart drawing to a close down ten to 42 while "Out of Your Mind" bt True Steppers feat. Victoria Beckham dropped from 38 to 44 as it sputters to an end of its run.

New Entries

So I already mentioned "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin being the highest debut of the week at number three so let's see what else turned up on the chart...

The Living End are back at number 18 with their latest single called "Pictures in the Mirror", Sash! sees into the chart at number 39 with "With My Own Eyes" and finally Matchbox Twenty are back on the chart at number 48 with "If You're Gone"

Thursday 22 October 2020

2000 Sound: 22nd October. it's a Beautiful Day to be Friends Forever with a Teenage Dirtbag

Another week and yet another change right at the very top and plenty of moves up and down the chart yet again, the new number one comes from a new entry from U2 with their new single "Beautiful Day", it got to number one on the back of massive sales but I don't see it staying at number one.

If not for U2, it would have almost certainly meant Pink's "Most Girls", stuck at number two, would have gone back to number one but it is starting to show signs of weakening which makes it vulnerable to "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" by Spiller which also remained at three but is an incredibly strong chance of taking number one if not next week...very soon.

All of this saw "On A Night Like This" by Kylie Minogue drop three places to number four and "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary down one to number five.

What is remaining steady is "Rock DJ" by Robbie Williams at number six, this song is actually surprisingly consistent.

Madonna's "Music" fell two places to number seven. Good. The sooner its gone the better while "Fill Me In" by Craig David unfortunately slipped one to number eight, also taking a one place hit is Bomfunk MCs with "B-Boys & Flygirls" at number nine.

Hitting the top ten for the first time is "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus which rose three places to number ten.


Up eleven places to 29 is "Friends Forever (Graduation)" by Vitamin C because somehow this song is going to be a thing and looks like it might suffer from overplay down the track.

Rising eight places into the top 20 is "Something Deep Inside" by Billie Piper. The song is fine but it's not better than "Day & Night"


Former number one "I'm Outta Love" by Anastacia dropped hard from 18 to 31 this week (more on Anastacia in the new entries) while "Jumpin' Jumpin'" by Destiny's Child fell 16 places to 46 and "Say It Isn't So" by Bon Jovi dived down from 34 to 48...ouch. 

"Breathless" by The Corrs plunged 7 places to 30 as it literally runs out of puff on the chart, the same for Savage Garden's "Chained To You" as it lost it's gains from last week to go back to 28 while "Everything You Need" by Madison Avenue slipped 7 places to 17.

New Entries

So I already mentioned the biggest debut of the week belonging to U2's "Beautiful Day" at number one but we also have a slew of new songs beyond the top ten so let's start at number 19 with thirteen year old Nikki Webster and the Sing 2001 Choir's song from the Sydney Olympics called "We'll be One" which got enough traction to hit the chart. 

Anastacia's follow up to "I'm Outta Love" called "Not That Kind" lodges at number 21, it's not quite as good as "I'm Outta Love" but hey it's still decent.

Eminem's new single "The Way I Am" enters at number 34/ *NSync are promising the girls things at number 42 with "This I Promise You" while on the other side the Pacific, British boy group A1 have hit the ARIA chart with a cover of A-Ha's 1985 smash "Take On Me". 

Unfortunately "Black Coffee" by All Saints lost all momentum to go cold down from 29 to 45...a shame because it's one of All Saints best songs.

Thursday 15 October 2020

2000 Sound: 15th October: On A Night like this, I Want Candy and Black Coffee

 Just me or are the is the chart really unstable right now? We have a change at the top and movement right up and down the charts so let's begin with the top ten where the big story is a return to number on for "On a Night Like This" by Kylir Minogue which climbed four spots to re take top spot but it's not a comfortable number one by any means. 

This of course means "Most Girls" by Pink, which despite it getting pushed back to number two this week, is a chance of returning to number one next week. 

What has momentum is Spiller's "Groovejet (If this Ain't Love)" which climbed five places to number three on the back of strong sales push, this is also a player for the number one spot. 

This is not case for "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary which fell one place to number four, "Music" by Madonna down three places to number five and "Rock DJ" by Robbie Williams to number six.

The big surprise was the sudden one place drop for "Fill Me In" by Craig David to number seven, this song looked like breaking into the top five last week but that didn't happen somehow.

Also down one to number eight is "B-Boys & FlyGirls" by Bomfunk MCs, this should be gone from the top ten soon...or at least I hope it will be.

At number nine is the one place gain for "Come On Over (All I Want Is You)" by Christina Aguilera, it pushed past "Everything You Need" by Madison Avenue which slipped down one to number ten.


Samantha Mumba's "Gotta Tell You" looks like being a hit in the making as it rose seven places to break into the top twenty at number 16 while "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus  jumped five places to 18.

Savage Garden's "Chained to You" got unchained, rising seven places to 21 while Powderfinger's "My Happiness" rebounded from 31 to 25.

Modjo's "Lady (Hear Me Tonight)" climbed nine places to 41.


So the biggest loser this week "The Real Slim Shady" by Eminem as it plummeted from 30 to 42 while Daphne & Celeste slipped ten places to 50 with "U.G.L.Y"

Destiny's Child suffered a five place plunge with "Bug A Boo" and "Jumpin' Jumpin'" crashed through the floor down eight to 30

Britney Spear's "Lucky" dropped six places to 19.

New Entries

The new entries begin with All Saints taking the highest new entry of the week with a song I actually really like, it's called "Black Coffee" and yeah,,it's just as good as their top ten hit "Pure Shores"

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter's little brother Aaron is on the chart this time lodging at 33 with his cover of Bow Wow Wow's "I want Candy"

Melanie B's latest solo single "Tell Me" debuts at number 43 while American boyband BBMak enter at number 47 with :"Back Here"

Finally The Avalanches hit the top 50 with "Frontier Psychiatrist" at number 49

Thursday 8 October 2020

2000 Sound: 8th October. Lady, Give Me Just One Night as Most Girls goes to the top

 So right now I am not sure where on earth things are heading on the singles chart right now mostly because there's no clear sign of what has momentum and traction going forward especially as we got a new number one this week so let's dig in starting with the top ten where Pink snags her first number one single in Australia with "Most Girls" riding whatever sales traction it can get to the top of the charts but this is not going to last especially with "Music" by Madonna falling back to number two but it's still a player for the top here. 

As is "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary which climbed one  place to number three while Robbie Williams regained a place to number four with "Rock DJ" although this might be because "On A Night Like This" by Kylie Minogue just lost steam to drop two places to number five.

"Fill Me In" by Craig David continues to rise climbing one place to number six, this song is doing surprisingly well. 

What I didn't need to get a three place boost to number seven is "B-Boys & Flygirls" by Bomfunk MCs because somehow we have to make this too annoying to be background noise a hit.

Well at least Spiller's "Grrovejet (If This Ain't Love)" arrived in the top ten up three places to number eight. It's a welcome presence in the top ten, the song is pretty good.

Down three places to number nine is "Everything You Need" by Madison Avenue while finally the second of the new arrivals to the top ten is "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)" by Christina Aguilera which rose six places to number ten.


So we had some sizeable gains this week particularly from Samantha Mumba with "Gotta Tell You" up nine spots to 23 while "I Wanna Be With You" by Mandy Moore is up eleven to 14. 

Madasun's slow rise continues as "Don't You Worry" jumps five places to 15 while "U.G.L.Y" by Daphne & Celeste also climbed five to 40.


Just the one return with Toni Braxton's "Spanish Guitar" back at number 48.


Sisqo's "Unleash the Dragon" falls eight places to 43 while "Gravity"  by The Superjesus drops from 39 to 44 (bit of a shame really because that song is great).

"If I Told You That" by Whitney Houston and George Michael slipped from 37 to 41 while "Toca's Miracle" by Fragma is losing steam as it fell from 38 to 42 this week.

"Bug A Boo" by Destiny's Child got scared by a bug so it's down off it's debut to 33. 

"The Real Slim Shady" by Eminem plunged eight places to 30...bit surprising, thought for sure this was going to be a top ten hit. "Something Deep Inside" by Billie Piper slipped five to 29 off of it's debut. 

Then there are two hits that fell hard this week, one being "Jumpin' Jumpin'" by Destiny's Child down nine to 23 while Anastacia's "I'm Outta Love" also plunged nine to be unceremoniously dumped from the top ten to 17.

New Entries

The biggest new entry came from boy band 98 Degrees at number 21 with "Give Me Just One night (Una Noche)". The song is tolerable so I guess I wouldn't mind if it becomes a hit.

Savage Garden are dancing to Madonna with their new single called "Chained to You" at number 28 while Vengaboys dive in at 45 with "Uncle John from Jamaica"

Finally a song that appears to be gaining traction and could well be a hit comes from a French house dup calling themselves Modjo and they are in at number 50 with "Lady (Hear Me Tonight)"

Thursday 1 October 2020

2000 Sound: 1st October: Teenage Dirtbag has Everything You Need while Music's back at number one

 This week was a busy one folks so let's get straight into it with the top ten where we start with the unfortunate but predictable return of "Music" by Madonna to number one because basically nothing challenged it this week and sales were at least consistent.

It's closest competitor is "Most Girls" by Pink rising five places to number two this week on the back of a serious sales boost, hell, it's probably the reason why "On A Night Like This" by Kylie Minogue fell back to number three as it couldn't maintain those massive sales. 

This places "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary in an awkward spot because it shifted down one place to number four, it's sales really are slowly dying, it seems like it might fade out of the top ten soon enough but we'll have to see.

Robbie Williams held firm at number five this week with "Rock DJ" which is a good thing because right behind it is the highest debut this week coming from Madison Avenue with "Everything You Need" at number I don't expect this song to last in the top ten but given it's not a good song I am annoyed its here.

Which is good news for the continued upward momentum of Craig David's "Walking Away" which rose three places to number seven, this could go top five soon however some of that rise can be put down to the sudden four place collapse of Anastacia's former chart topper "I'm Outta Love" down to number eight, sad but it's on its way out naturally

The same could be said for "Lucky" by Britney Spears which took a three place tumble to number nine. 

Unfortunately rising sevn places to number ten is Bomfunk MC's "B-Boys & Flygirls". Can we just stop and not let this become a hit, please? Bad enough "Freestyler" got to number one.


So we've got two songs that broke into the top twenty this week with "Let's Get Loud" by Jennifer Lopez up from 23 to 19 and Madasun's pretty good "Don't You Worry" up two places to 20.

Beyond that...well... there's a ten place gain for Nine Days with "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)" to 33. This song is as catchy as hell so I hope its a hit while "Friends Forever (Graduation)" by Vitamin C went up five places to 40. 


"Day & Night" by Billie Piper lost all traction this week to slip twenty places to number 24 while "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon lost eleven places back to 46 which is a shame because I really like that song.

In much better news, "I Think I'm in Love With You" by Jessica Simpson crashed from 33 to 47 while Lonestar's "Amazed" dropped fourteen places to 50. 

A song I am ambivalent on is "Could I Have this Kiss foreever" by Whitney Houston and Enrique Iglesias as it fell hard from 32 to 49. 

"Toca's Miracle" by Fragma plunged nine places to 38 while it was a similar tale for "Say It Isn't So" by Bon Jovi as it dropped from 19 to 28. 

Bardot's "Theae Days" skidded down six to 27 while "Breathless" by The Corrs is down nine places to 23.

Finally "The Real Slim Shady" by Eminem dropped from 16 to 22 and "Try Again" by Aaliyah dropped six places to 21.

New  Entries

We have an interesting slew of new entries outside of Madison Avenue's "Everything You Need" at number six. 

American band Wheatus have somehow managed to lodge their first ARIA chart single at number 15, the song is called "Teenage Dirtbag", the song is pretty good but still very weird it debuted this high.

At number 24 is Billie Piper's follow up to "Day & Night" called "Something Deep Inside"...I'm pretty meh about this one if i am to be honest, "Day & Night" feels more memorable.

Destiny's Child return at number 26 with "Bug A Boo", it's better than "Jumpin' Jumpin'"...I guess?

American R'n' B star Samantha Mumba has her first ARIA charting single with "Gotta Tell You" at number 32...I really like this song...might be the best of the new arrivals this week.

Finally, Green Day's "Minority" check in at number 36, again, this song is's a typical Green Day song.

Thursday 24 September 2020

2000 Sound: 24th September. Don't You Worry...Kylie's number one on a night like this.

 So it's another fairly standard week until you look right at the very top of the chart and smile with relief because we finally have a brand new number one and while I anticipated "On A Night Like This" by Kylie Minogue would challenge "Music" by Madonna for number one, I didn't expect it to be successful which is what happened. "On a Night Like This" is Kylie's second number one single, it had huge sales this week which helped it to ride all the way to the top however I don't expect it to last which is why unfortunately Madonna, pushed back to number two this week, is still a chance at number one with "Music"

Kylie's massive debut also resulted in the rest of the top five being pushed back with "Shackles (Praise You) down one to number three, "I'm Outta Love" by Anastacia down to number four and "Rock DJ" by Robbie Williams back to number five.

Then there's "Lucky" by Britney Spears which remains steady at number xix but's coming under pressure from Pink's "MostAl Girls" which rose two places to number seven. 

All of this saw "Jumpin' Jumpin'" by Destiny's Child slip three places to number eight...will be kind of glad to see this song gone if I am going to be honest.

Ronan Keating's rollercoaster ride on the chart with "Life Is A Rollercoaster" bumps back one to number nine.

Craig David has his first top ten hit with "Fill Me In" up five places to number ten this week!


There's very little in the gains this week. Bomfunk MCs unfortunately cracked the top twenty rising from 24 to 17 with "B-Boys & Flygirls"...this song is only slightly more tolerable than 'Freestyler" but that's not saying much.

However the big gain this week was for Madasun's "Don't You Worry" which jumped from 37 to 22! Good to see as I still really like that song.

"Let's Get Loud" by Jennifer Lopez climbed four to 23.

Mandy Moore's "I Wanna Be With You" jumped to 27 off it's debut last week. 


Kaylan's "Shake It" got very shaky and collapsed from 19 to 47 as the hype dies for that song. Lara Fabian's "I Will Love Again" plunged to 46 off it's debut. 

Vertical Horizon dropped five places to 35 while "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" by Morcheeba slipped six to 34. 

"Could I Have this Kiss Forever" by Whitney Houston and Enrigue Iglesias tumbled from 18 to 32.

Sisqo's "Unleashed the Dragon" was leashed to an eight place drop to 30 while Bon Jovi are bemoaning "Say It Isn't So" being down five to 19 which also occurred for Aaliyah's "Try Again" to 15 and "We Will Rock You" by Five and Queen to 11.

New Entries

The biggest new entry of the week belongs to an Italian electronic music producer Cristiano Spiller aka Spiller who has teamed up with UK singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor for "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" which has debuted at number 12 which is quite incredible considering the other acts which also have songs debuting this week.

Christina Aguilera is back with "Come on Over Baby (All I Want is You)" at number 18.'s a pop song..its fine, Christina sells it well.

Whitney Houston has a new collab on the chart this time with George Michael for a song called "If I told You That" at number 37, 

We get to an Aussie act debuting, it's The Superjesus in at 38 with the pretty terrific "Gravity", Hope this becomes hit for them.

Finally Toni Braxton is strumming her "Spanish Guitar" at number 44. 

Thursday 17 September 2020

2000 Sound: 17th September. As "Music" remains number one, will we still be friends forever?

 So this week is a fairly normal week, a slew of new arrivals and movement up and down the chart except most exasperatingly at number one where Madonna remains with "Music" however this could have strong competition from Kylie Minogue's new single "On A Night Like This" which will debut next week so we'll have to see what happens.

All this places "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary in an awkward place because while it moved up three places to number two, it's not really a show of getting to number one yet however it still pushed Anastacia's "I'm Outta Love" down one to number three as it gracefully heads toward the exit of the top ten. 

Up two to number four following a really good sales week is "Rock DJ" by Robbie Williams, it's looking comfortable in the top five right now especially as it pushed past "Jumpin' Jumpin'" by Destiny's Child down one to number five and "Lucky" by Britney Spears down three to number six. Both the latter songs look to have run out of puff now. 

"We Will Rock You" by Five and Queen which recovered one spot to number seven although I don't expect that recovery to continue given there are songs with momentum behind it which isn't the case for "Life is a Rollercoaster" by Ronan Keating down one to number eight as it lost sales this week however if you want an example of momentum check out Pink's "Most Girls" which rose from 21 to hit the top ten at number nine and looks like it could climb further in the weeks ahead.

Wrapping up the top ten is "Try Again" by Aaliyah up one place to return to the top ten at number ten.


I already mentioned the big gain for Pink's "Most Girls into the top ten at number nine but Girl Thing's "Last One Standing" is into the top twenty rising from 22 to 17 this week while Mel C's "I Turn to You" is up five to 11.

Kaylan's "Shake It" is one of the biggest gains this week though as it shook all the way from 35 to 19 this that is shaking the chart!

"B-Boys & Flygirls" by Bomfunk MCs rose eight to 24 while unfortunately Jennifer Lopez has risen 11 places to 27 with "Let's Get Loud"

Morcheeba's "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day" built on its gains as it went up eight places to 28.


Just the one return with "Blow Up the Pokies" by The Whitlams back at 43 (would love for this song to get a consistent run on the chart somehow)


I mentioned Kylie's new single "On a Night Like This" coming next week, well her former number one "Spinning Around" is heading out of the chart as it plunged from 34 to 47 this week while "Doesn't Really Matter" by Janet Jackson dropped nine places to 48

"Breathe" by Faith Hill dropped from 41 to 49 this week while Madison Avenue's "Who the Hell are You?" took a much welcome hit from 25 to 39 as did "Freestyler" by Bomfunk MCs which dropped from 24 to 38,,,thank goodness.,the latter two are terrible songs.

Unfortunately Powderfinger's "My Happiness" slipped down 10 places to 25 while "Shalala Lala" by Vengaboys skidded down nine places to 21.

New Entries

The biggest new entry of the week belongs to Boyz II Men as "Pass You By" debuts at 13. I am not sure if this will be a hit so we'll have to see.

Belginn singer-songwrier Lara Fabian hits the ARIA chart with "I Will Love Again at 31 while American pop singer Mandy Moore enters ballad "I Wanna Be With You" at number 33. 

A song that I sure is going to get a lot of radio play is "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)" by American rock band ninedays...this song is as catchy as sin and has lodged itself on the chart at 41

American singer Colleen Fitzpatrick otherwise known as Vitmin C has lodged "Graduation (Friends Forever)" at number 46.

Finally 28 Days wind up this week perfectly with their new single "Goodbye" debuting at number 50

Thursday 10 September 2020

2000 Sound: 10th September. Fill Me In on how Madonna's "Music" is Music

 Bit of a busy week here so let's jump straight into it with the top ten where unfortunately Madonna's "Music" still rules the chart at number one...unfortunately. it's got enough sales to hold there for awhile ahead of "I'm Outta Love" by Anastacia at number two but its going to come under some pressure from "Lucky" by Britney Spears which rode a two place boost to number three this week...a little surprising given I don't think it's that good however it was enough to push "Jumpin' Jumpin'" down to number four, as sales slowed down.

"Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary rose three places to number five..I can see this song rising higher mostly because it's got quite the catchy chorus as well and radio loves this song.

The biggest gainer of the week within the top ten belongs to Robbie Williams with "Rock DJ" rising four places to number six...again not surprising given Robbie's force of personality on the song, it pushed Ronan Keating's "Life is a Rollercoaster" down  one to number seven while "We Will Rock You" by Five and Queen hit the skids down four to number eight, this one seems to have peaked thank goodness.

Staying steady at number nine is "Say It Isn't So" by Bon Jovi while taking a surprise three place fall is "Breathless" by The Corrs to number ten...seems like momentum has sputtered out for.


Craig David's "Fill Me In" is the biggest gainer of the week up eight places off its debut to number 14 (may well be a top ten hit) 

Madasun may well have a hit in the making with "Don't You Worry" up to 37 from 43 last week.

Finally "Could I Have This Kiss Forever" by Enrique Iglesias and Whitney Houston rose 5 places to 12


Back at 45 is Daphne & Celeste with "U.G.L.Y" because yeah we apparently need a joke song on the chart


Unfortunately "Desensitised" by Invertigo is headed out of the chart as it plunged 15 places to 50...ouch. 

*N Sync's "It's Gonna Be Me" also took a big hit dropping from 34 to 49 this week while Leah Haywood's "Crazy" looks like not quite having the same success as it drops from 37 to 43. 

Jessica Simpson's "I Think I am in Love with You" thankfully dived from 25 to 31. Thank GOD...get this shit off the chart fast while finally, "Freestyler" by Bomfunk MCs took a nine place hit to 24.

New Entries

We got a slew of new entries this week beginning at number 19 with Bardot's "These Days"...the latest single from their debut self titled album, it's okay but not better than "I Should've Never Let You Go"

Pink returns to the charts at number 21 with "Most Girls"...I don't quite get the appeal of this song just quietly.

UK garage production duo called True Steppers have their first Australian charting single teaming up with former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham for a song called "Out of Your Mind" at number 27. 

Finally Bomfunk MCs are back trying to follow up the success of "Freestyler" this time with a song called "B-Boys & Flygirls" at number 32.

Thursday 3 September 2020

2000 Sound: 3rd September. Say It Isn't So! A new number one...

 So this week kind of feels like a little bit of a disappointment, we had two new entries to the top ten plus other new entries outside of that along with a few songs arriving in the top ten along with shifts up and down the chart but lets deal with the top ten because we have a song debuting on the chart this week at number one..."Music" by Madonna...let's not mince words here, the song is one of Madonna's worst of her career, it's absolutely awful but none the less it rode massive sales to reach the top spot. 

It was enough to dethrone "I'm  Outta Love" by Anastacia which fell back to number two as it couldn't quite match Madonna on sales with the same going for "Jumpin' Jumpin'" by Destiny's Child down on to number three and "We Will Rock You" by Five and Queen down to number four. 

Britney Spears climbed one place to number five with "Lucky" while "Life is a Rollercoaster"  by Ronan Keating jumped two places to number six, then there's "Breathless' by The Corrs which remains steady at number seven.

Mary Mary hit the top ten for the first time up seven spots to eight and is looking like having a huge hit with "Shackles (Praise You)" (kind of interesting there considering the religious subtext of the song)

Then we have the second new entry on the chart debuting in the top ten with "Say It Isn't So" by Bon Jovi...I'm pretty meh on this's not quite as as good as "It's My Life".

Finally rising four places to number ten is "Rock DJ" by Robbie Williams...a strange song that has grown on me a fair bit..


A quiet week for the gains. Britney Spears "Lucky" with the biggest gain of the week. Several songs including Morcheeba's "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" and Wonderful" by Everclear rose four places but other than that...pretty quiet.

Re Entries

Just the one return this week with "Blow Up The Pokies" by The Whitlams back at 46.


Kaylan's "Shake It" shook down 22 places to 39 this week and is the biggest loser of the week while "Freestyler" by Bomfunk MCs dropped ten places to 15. There was an eight place loss for "So Real" by Mandy Moore down to 48 while "Thong Song" by Sisqo also plunged eight places to 33. 

"Breathe" by Faith Hill dropped six places to 38 while "Just Around the Hill" by Sash! plummeted from 42 to 49. 

Powderfinger's "My Happiness" took a dive down eight to 12 while "Shalala Lala" by Vengaboys slipped five to 14.

New Entries

So all up there are four new entries this week with "Music" by Madonna at number one, "Say It Isn't So" by Bon Jovi at number 9.

Mel C is trying to follow up "Never Be the Same Again" with her ballad "I Turn To You" debuting at 16 while Fuel are back on the charts at number 50 with "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)

Thursday 27 August 2020

2000 Sound: 27th August, Powderfinger find happiness in the top five as S Club 7 "Reach" for the stars in the new entries

 So unlike last week where it was quiet, we have another busy week to deal with a slew of new entries including one in the top ten so let's boogie on down and start there, no change at the top with Anastacia's "I'm Outta Love" spending a fifth week at the top, I'm not certain she'll get a sixth as Madonna's releasing a new song called "Music" which is bound to do well so we'll have to see.

Sitting at number two is "Jumpin' Jumpin'" by Destiny's Child as it did last week, it's not really looking like a player for top spot right now. Five and Queen's "We Will Rock You" climbed one place to number 3 on the back of a solid sales week.

There's a new entry in at number four, it comes from Brisbane band Powderfinger with a song called "My Happiness", it had a fantastic first week of sales, it comes from Powderfinger's upcoming album called "Odyssey Number Five".

Now all of this saw former number one "Freestyler" by Bomfunk MCs fall back two places to number five, the song is slowly losing ground and will likely tumble further in the weeks ahead.

At number six, we have the biggest gainer of the week with "Lucky" by Britney Spears rising 14 places! This one was a bit out of nowhere tbh especially as its a bit of a bland pop song coming from Britney!

The Corrs are "Breathless" remain at number seven while Ronan Keating leaps up five places to number eight with "Life is a Rollercoaster". 

The Vengaboys are slowly fading out of the top ten with "Shalala Lala" down one place to number nine while Aaliyah's "Try Again" falls back to number ten.


Already talked about the bi gains for "Lucky" by Britney Spears and "Life is a Rollercoaster" by Ronan Keating into the top ten on an otherwise quiet week for gains with "Could I Have This Kiss Forever" by Whitney Houston and Enrique Iglesias up six to 12 while "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary is up ten places to 15. 

"Rip It Up by 28 Days broke into the top twenty by rising four places to 18 

Re Entries

Just the one return this week with Santana's "Maria Maria" feat. The Product G&B back at number 50.


On a week where we have a LOT of new entries it's not surprising there was a while swathe of songs that lost big, let's start with former number two hit "Never Be the Same Again" which plunged from 35 to 49 this week as it slowly exits the chart.

Sister 2 Sister's "Too Many Times" dived nine places to number 47 while "Sandstorm" by Darude dropped five places to 48. "I Wanna Know" by Joe skidded down six places to number 46. 

"Just Around the Hill" by Sash! is finding that hill insurmountable as it dropped from 37 to 42 whole Mandy Moore's "So Real" hit 40, a drop of seven places.

"Doesn't Really Matter" by Janet Jackson copped a ten place hit to 38. while "Its Gonna Be Me" by *NSYNC eleven place plunge means it's not gonna be them at 34. 

"Breathe" by Faith Hill hit 32 down from 26.

However the big story is three songs in the top ten last week all took enormous dives with two of those dives being more than fucking welome with "Thong Song" by Sisqo having a wedgie performed on him down to 25 from 6 last week and Madison Avenue's "Who The Hell Are You" dropping nine places to 19. The other song to take a hit is "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi which tumbled from 5 to 23...ouch.

New Entries

So beyond "My Hapiness" by Powderfinger at number four, we got a slew of other new songs this week beginning at number 20 with Sisqo's "Unleash The Dragon"...this song is pretty fucking I'll be fine with this falling off.

British R&B singer Craig David turns up at 22 with "Fill Me In", his first single on the ARIA singles chart, I feel pretty indifferent toward this song, it's fine but meh...

Leah Haywood returns with her new single called "Crazy" at 31  while Australian nu metal band Sunk Loto land on the chart with "Make You Feel" at 33. 

British three piece girl group Madasun have their first Australian charting single with "Don't You Worry" in at number 39, I actually really like this song..the harmonies are good and the song's message is a brutal goodbye to an ex that she has moved on and doing fine.

Finally in what maybe the most corny but fun pop song to hit the chart in some time..."Reach" by S Club 7 debuts at number 44.