Thursday, 19 October 2017

New Music Friday Review: Pink, Daya, Louis Tomlinson

After a long break New Music Friday Review is back this week and while it's not the strongest New Music Friday to come back on, what I am going to do is review some songs from this week and others that are of interest over the next few days but we'll begin with this past week's new releases with a long rumoured yet surprising collaborations this year.

Song: Revenge
Artists: Pink, Eminem

Okay, granted it's not as big a surprise as when Calvin Harris teamed up with Frank Ocean and Migos for "Slide" earlier this year but like "Slide", this is a collab that works pretty damn well better than it should have ever been. Sure, Pink's rapping isn't everything but it's better than efforts I have heard in some hip hop songs this year and Eminem only makes a rather short appearance on the track. I kind of really like it, I don't love it as yet though.

Rating: 7/10

Song: New
Arist: Daya

She's back! Yes, the girl behind the god awful 2016 hit "Hide Away" has returned with a new single called "New" and yeah, while its not as awful as "Hide Away" or even that collab she did with The Chainsmokers, "New" is pretty inoffensively boring and quite honestly I didn't remember much of that song even after I played it three or four times.

Rating 4/10

Song: Just Like You
Artist: Louis Tomlinson

Ever noticed that the guys from One Direction are constantly referencing One Direction in their solo work, Liam Payne mentioned the former band in "Strip That Down" and now Louis Tomlinson mentions the band in his latest song and yeah if I wasn't a Louis fan before, this song reminding everyone that just because he is a celebrity doesn't mean he isn't like the rest of us really does quite enough to get on my nerves. Seriously, this is just awful lyrically and the production isn't much better.

Rating: 2/10.

Best of the Week: Check out Dagny's "Love You Like That"'s really damn good

Worst: That's going to "Just Like You" by Louis Tomlinson. Bland nonsense is not going to help Louis's solo career.

Next week: New music from Liam Payne, Rita Ora and Kygo. Dua Lipa also drops a cover of Nancy Sinatra's "Bang Bang" (she did it for an ad by the way)

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