Friday, 25 August 2017

New Music Friday Review Special: Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift

WARNING: What you are about to read is an opinion of Taylor Swift's new song that isn't likely to be at all positive, if you can't handle my view on this song than it's probably best you click away now before you read on and end up being triggered by reading what I have to say about "Look What You Made Me Do". At the end of the day, it probably doesn't matter what I write about the song, people are still going to buy it, download it and stream in their thousands.

After a couple of years away from the music scene post the release of her 5th album '1989', one of the most influential music stars on earth, Taylor Swift is back with the first single from her 6th album "Reputation" entitled 'Look What You Made Me Do". I know this is a bit early but wanted to make room to cover this song individually given it's such a massive release.

Now before I dig into 'Look What You made Me Do", I need to make it clear I have a on/off fan button as far as Taylor Swift goes, some of her songs are great eg: I loved "Love Story" even if it was rather cheesy, "Style" is actually quite catchy and yeah, I did enjoy a couple of songs from "Red", I do have four of the five albums she has released to date, (only one I don't have is '1989' because I am not an overt fan of the direction that album took) so I was kind of anticipating the new single's release today like a lot of bigger Taylor Swift fans and I was curious as to the direction she was heading in with the new material after starting in country, veering into pop country and then jumping totally head first into pop music but the buzz I was hearing was that Taylor was headed in a more hip hop direction and that apparently she was going to call out a few 'haters'.

Turns out Taylor is staying in pop but blending in many of the modern hip hop music trends which include minimalist melody on the chorus and almost trap beats with no melody or even a vague hook to the song, this is the case with "Look What Made Me Do" as Taylor tries to get a square up with those who dissed her publicly that being Kanye West (who wrote a lyric in his song "Famous" bragging that he made Taylor famous by interrupting her speech at an awards show and suggesting he could sleep with her) in the most recent past, this isn't the sweet, nice Taylor Swift, this is Taylor Swift looking for revenge

I wish she hadn't gone looking for revenge because between "Bad Blood" and this, I have had enough of Taylor Swift seeking retribution songs...its boring now and in all honesty, there's not a lot that I can find that is positive about "Look What You Made Me Do". The chorus for a start sounds like one of the worst hit songs of 2016 that being Meghan Trainor's "Me Too" with minimal music bar a bass drum (possibly drum machine) and Swift repeating "Look What You Made Me Do..oh!" over and over again, what did they make you do, Taylor? Write one of most unimaginative choruses (if you can even call it a chorus) in 2017? There's no information in that chorus to make me feel remotely sorry for you, Taylor.

The verses are barely much better as Swift lists every she apparently doesn't like about Kanye in the first verse about how she doesn't like Kanye's little games or his tilted stage or his laugh when he lies, it's all pretty pathetic stuff or in the second verse that she doesn't like his kingdom keys and then says that the world moves on but not her because she's thinking about karma against the haters, really, Taylor? For a woman who wrote a song called "Shake it Off" with these lyrics in the chorus '...And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off"

What ever happened to the vow Taylor made in "Shake It Off"? She said she was going to shake off people like Kanye in 2014 who evidently don't like her but now she's trying to work out the best way she can enact karma against Kanye in "Look What you Made Me Do"? I just shake shake shake shake shake my head at the confusing nature of your lyrics, Miss Swift.

Oh and then there's the pre chorus where Swift claims that she got smarter...well honey, no you didn't because in this song you sunk to the exact same gutter level that your haters live in which isn't smart at all, the SMART thing to do would have been to release a fantastic song, watch the song go number one and watch your haters melt back into the primordial sludge where you think they belong not this back biting drivel that is "Look What you made me do" and yeah I am not even going to dignify the line where Taylor claims she rises from the dead all the time, that's just ridiculous.

All of that set against music that you'd almost think it sounded like some child being incredibly nasty to another in quite the sing songy fashion as children do.

The bridge of this song is where it gets even more laughably stupid and vindictive from Swift. Lines like "I'm the actress starring in your bad dreams". What the hell is with that? That is almost stalker level and I am almost tempted to wonder if Swift has actually been stalking Kanye and the bit where she's on the phone proclaiming the old Taylor can't come to the phone because old Taylor is dead is over playing it and being stupidly melodramatic.

So overall, "Look What You Made Me Do" is a vindictive load of absolute rubbish coming from a woman who is apparently 27 years of age but acts as though she is a teenage girl who thinks the world revolves around her and her melodrama which is not classy from Taylor and gives her absolutely no dignity whatsoever. I just hope this song isn't a sign of things to come from "Reputation".

Even worse, this is an opportunity wasted from Swift, she could have taken the opportunity to show some class and dignity by not giving rise to people like Kanye and releasing a great song but instead she chooses to get in the gutter with Kanye and show no class or dignity at all and that really is what makes me angry about this song and has lowered my opinion of Taylor Swift.

Please Taylor, act your age and actually use the advice from one of your own songs in regard to haters: instead of writing petulant and immature songs about them, shake the haters off for your own good and for the good of your music because this song is a TRAINWRECK.

Rating: 2/10

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