Showing posts with label AJR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AJR. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

A Rantish Kind Of Review of AJR's "Neotheater"

I don’t normally do album reviews because I just don’t have the ability to cut apart and explain an album’s arc like other people who put together album reviews but  I just put and pushed myself through quite the nightmarish experience that I never want to go through again with the only solace being on Twitter venting about it during the listen to this album in the hope that NOBODY else will put them through what I did willingly.
The album is from “indie pop” trio AJR entitled “Neotheater”, it’s this group’s third album after the release of their widely panned sophomore album “The Click” in 2017. I didn’t listen to “The Click” mostly because I had seen several reviews on Youtube suggest it was one of the worst albums of the entire decade and decided that I’d be better off avoiding and stick to listening to other albums which were much more appealing to me anyway however that wasn’t the case this time around with “Neotheater” because I somehow got the idea that this album couldn’t possibly be as bad as had been suggested by Jon at ARTV so of course I decided to give “Neotheater” a go.
Folks, “Neotheater” by AJR is comfortably one of the worst albums I have ever had the displeasure of listening to and am left wondering who the hell thought this absolute rancid load of faux deep garbage, that wouldn’t be out of place being played on Satan’s P.A system on repeat as a form of torture, was good enough for the public to hear because seriously there are next to no redeeming factors from this album.

Let’s deal with the lyrics because for the most part the lyrics are just inane whinging that lacks the self-awareness or any basic grounding to make any of it interesting especially in terms of the arc of growing up and the fear of becoming adults especially as within the first two or three songs, the whinging becomes really quite insufferable.

Take for example, the track “Karma” where they are bemoaning that they aren’t getting anything in return for being “Good, helpful and friendly” but complains that even though he is being all those things, he feels ‘hollow’ and that he is getting no good karma from being all these things in return. What do you want, dude? A fucking pat on the back or congratulations that you’ve managed to be good all year? Cause that ain’t going to happen. Also you fail to address the fact that by helping somebody and being friendly that you feel good about yourself but “Karma’ doesn’t do that instead the song goes on and on about all these bad things that have happened in spite of the good things he has done which of course he doesn’t outline in any of the verses.

Now let’s talk about “Beats”, a song so irreversibly stupid I wondered what the point of putting it on the album was. “Beats” is basically a song where AJR wonder if they’ll get money for promoting Beats headphones by Dre so they can pay for recording the whole song while in the verses wondering whether people will recognise their songs should some sadistic supermarket play them while they are in the produce aisle. Quite why a supermarket would play this garbage AJR call music I don’t know.

There are so many more examples of awful lyrics like the contemptible “Break My Face” or the nonsense that is “Don’t Throw Out My Legos” – well let’s deal with the latter because this song really sums up the immaturity and sheer lack of growth in the song writing, which is ironic considering this album is supposedly all about growing up,  that AJR have shown in two years since they released “The Click” and made me wish that they’d step on lego so they could feel the similar pain I felt listening to this mind numbing abortion of a song. AJR are moving out of home and all they think to say to their parents before they head for their new home is “Don’t Throw Out my Legos” after years of being fed, clothed, educated etc by these poor parents and all your worried about is mum and dad not throwing out the lego so the lego is there in case you return home. TAKE THE GOD DAMN LEGO WITH YOU THEN. At least Carrie Underwood’s “Don’t Forget to Remember Me” had a semblance of being grateful for everything her mum and dad had done for her.

What makes all of this worse is the production which for the most part a mono genre slurry where AJR try to have a whole lot of noise and when there is a small moment where something sounds good, it gets hit with some noise to make you want to cringe. Take for example “Wow, I’m Not Crazy” which features a high pitched voice going “Yep Yep Yep yep” and it sounds atrocious, at leat when the Martians on Sesame Street repeat “Yep yep yep yep” to oblivion, they occasionally added an “Uh huh” to make interesting and it actually sounded good, the noise on “Wow, I’m Not crazy” made me want to throw things out the window.

“Here’s the Entertainment” has gang vocals and oh a pitched whistling sound over the chorus for no god damn explainable good reason. For me, most of the production on this album was just noise after noise that set my teeth on edge,

At most, this album and its arc of not wanting to grow up or face reality as an adult is very much represented in terms of the way AJR write their music with very little maturity or with any pathos that would make any of this mono genre slurry or really bad two year old joke interesting.

This gets pretty damn generous 1/10 and that’s only because I don’t believe in awarding 0/10. I can only hope AJR go away and do some solid growing up in terms of their songwriting and lyrics writing because this was just headache inducing