Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Toxic Pop Music 'Stans' are a disgrace for body shaming.

It's no secret at least to anyone that knows me that I adore music, hell, I wouldn't have started this blog if I didn't love music and for the most part it's been reasonably good to me...well okay, years like 2009 and 2016 sucked but hey, there's also a lot of memorable chart years like 1988 and 2015 which had some incredible music in the year end lists however what I want to write about is the dark side of music and the disgusting behaviour of people who label themselves "stans" and are apart of certain fan groups.

These 'stans' are as TOXIC as all hell and the culture that is stemming from it is an ugly mess of body shaming and bullying aimed at mostly female artists, acts like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato and the large reason I am writing about this is because it absolutely infuriates me that these so called lovers of popular music use social media to spurt bile about Grande, Gomez and Lovato.

Perfect example of toxic stan culture is today when one account tweeted something in relation to what occurred at a pop concert involving one of the young women involved, a quarter of all responses to the tweet were 'body shaming one of the performers..everything from "She's an obese whale' to 'She's suffocating 'insert name'). Yep, BODY SHAMING/BULLYING an artist over their weight, something that these 'stans' would not like if it happened to them personally. I won't even mention the fan groups that these people belong to because it's not fair on the artist themselves that these idiots represent their favourite artists so horrifically on social media.

Now the artist that was body shamed is more than capable of looking after herself as are all these pop artists are but the fact is that these 'stans' are sucking the enjoyment out of music with their behaviour. Body shaming ANYONE is despicable, you can dislike an female artist's music based on the music itself without having to sink as low as making comments about their body shape or weight and if you are doing that on social media then you should hang your heads in shame and hopefully realize that you bring no credit on yourself or on your favourite artist.

Heck, some of these idiotic bullies probably also struggled with their own body image issues so I cannot understand why they'd launch disgusting bile on social media at female pop acts.

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