Friday, 26 January 2018

New Music Friday Review: 19th January. Kylie's BACK!

Another week, another New Music Friday but this week, it's got a bit of an Australian edge with new Kylie Minogue and Shannon Noll. Plus new music from The Chainsmokers and Drake (unfortunately) and this week I am going back to using Youtube because Spotify has effectively shat the bed tonight.

Let's get the garbage out of the way first.

Song: God's Plan
Artist: Drake

So this is apparently Drake's feel good track about his future and how apparently people want him to fail but God won't let him fail all set to a beat that isn't even remotely interesting or changes at all while Drake drones on and on about not a heck of a lot, there's not enough detail in this song that makes it all that compelling or even makes me want to give it repeated listens, that said it's probably bound to be a hit unfortunately.

Rating: 4/10.

Song: Sick Boy
Artust: The Chainsmokers

The self aggrandising and annoying duo are back with a brand new song that is pretty much a sloppy rip off of 21 Pilots, Jon Bellion and AJR but with a ironic political bent aimed at the United States and quite honestly I don't see this being a hit because I largely do not see what they are getting at and it would be oh so easy to claim this song is about US President Donald Trump but that would be easy and also a lot of past Chainsmokers songs have come across as pretty narcissistic so let's leave it that shall we?

Ratings: 2/10

Now onto the better stuff....

Song: Land of Mine
Artist: Shannon Noll

Now let's talk about somebody I rarely have a chance to mention, I am disappointed "Southern Sky" wasn't the Australian smash it deserved to be but Nollsy is back with a single off his new album "Unbroken" and he is going country which is not surprising given the heel turn "Southern Sky" took in terms of an apparent country undertone and quite honestly it's not a bad fit for Shannon's voice. The instrumentation reminds me of an old Bruce Springsteen track and I am loving REAL guitars and drums in this song. GO NOLLSY!

Rating: 8/10

Song: Dancing
Artist: Kylie Minogue

I haven't had much of an opportunity to talk about Kylie Minogue here so I was looking forward to talking about "Dancing" but when I heard that Kylie was embracing country music, I got worried. Would Kylie lose her pop vibes to be this country artist? As it turned out, I didn't need to be worried because "Dancing" is an oddball country/electronic banger that works and I love that the song is about going out dancing, I love that line in a pop song. Only thing is I am not convinced it's that good it's a lead off single.

Rating: 7/10

Best of the week: Shannon Noll for "Land Of Mine"
Worst of the week: The Chainsmokers for "Sick Boy" for basically being a confused mess of a song

Next week: Lady Gaga, Maren Morris teaming up with Zedd and Grey, Justin Timberlake's collaboration with Chris Stapleton and Camp Cope.

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